How long have you worked at the college and been hosting Virtual & Hybrid events?

Before joining the College in October 1992, I was a member of the British Army. I started working at the College as a College Officer and took an interest in their extensive educational programme, as well as working on client conferences.

The Physicians’ International Conference Centre received a £300,000 investment in audio visual and virtual equipment during our redevelopment project, and since then we have scaled up our effort to deliver virtual and hybrid educational activity and conferences.

What do you think the biggest challenges are for event hosts when planning Virtual & Hybrid events?

Before the pandemic, we were already seeing an increased interest in Virtual and hybrid events, with many clients recognising the importance of reducing their carbon footprint and supporting green initiatives. The transition to virtual and hybrid events has hastened and these are likely to form part of the event format for years to come.

The best advice I can provide is to start the process early, and make sure that your speakers have enough time for testing and creating back-up recordings (which we do for you). The virtual resilience we offer is a key part of taking the pressure off the host, as our clients know we will help them deliver the event.

What advice would you give an event host before they embark on the hybrid journey?

Define the programme early and agree what you are offering sponsors from the offset. We have found that clients really appreciate our ability to ‘do it all’. We can guide you through the process from start to finish.

If you could give a speaker one tip, what would it be?

I have three - let us check your equipment, keep your slides clear and relax when presenting.

What do you think is the biggest benefit of Virtual & Hybrid events?

You can still host your event from anywhere in the world. Hybrid and virtual events have increased event attendance whilst keeping everyone safe. It’s a really good way to reach more people and keep your organisation relevant.

What are the benefits of working with an in-house AV technical team?

It means you have a dedicated and accessible technical team. When working with us, we can adapt so the delivery to the audience is never impeded.

You must have a career highlight having worked at the college for 28 years?

There are so many it’s difficult to choose one. I have supported various media personalities over the years, and I have worked alongside HRH Princess Anne, providing technical assistance for her talks to local and remote audiences on her charitable work.

A personal favourite was when we hosted a live satellite uplink for an around the world yacht race, with interviews of the crew being video conferenced to sites around the world. I’ve always fancy myself as a bit of a skipper!