1. What is Saltire’s main aim to minimise the company's carbon footprint?

Saltire's primary aim is to minimise our carbon footprint through meticulous supplier selection, sourcing locally, and employing eco-friendly practices. We further utilise electric vans for transportation to reduce emissions, showcasing our commitment to environmental responsibility. Our Culinary Director, Bran Jankovic handpicks suppliers who share our vision of sustainability. Bran regularly meets with all our suppliers to ensure they meet our stringent standards and share our passion for the sustainable culinary movement – which is essential to us.

sustainable local sourced ingredients

2. How important is sustainability to you?

Sustainability is of paramount importance to Saltire Hospitality. It's woven into our core values and drives every facet of our operations. From sourcing the freshest local ingredients to embracing eco-friendly practices like electric vans, solar panelling and an onsite patisserie, sustainability is integral to our identity. We're dedicated to proving that luxury and responsible practices can harmoniously coexist, leaving a positive impact on both our clients and the environment. Sustainability isn't just a catchphrase; it's at the core of our identity. We've seamlessly integrated this philosophy into every aspect of our operation.

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3. Do you use local suppliers?

Absolutely, we are proud to work closely with local suppliers as we hold a strong belief that "fresh tastes best." Our commitment to using local suppliers is two-fold: it ensures that we have access to the freshest and most seasonal ingredients, and it also supports our community by contributing to local businesses. This approach not only enhances the quality of our culinary creations but also aligns with our dedication to sustainability and responsible sourcing practices. Our collaboration with remarkable suppliers is a cornerstone of our sustainable journey. By forging strong relationships, we endorse locally-sourced, seasonal ingredients. What we present to our clients and customers are a testament to the quality and freshness these partnerships bring to our table – we understand that this is also a reflection of our broader dedicated to sustainability. Sourcing locally not only supports regional businesses but also reduces transportation emissions, aligning with our goal of minimizing our carbon footprint. In essence, our partnership with local suppliers isn't just a choice; it's a cornerstone of our approach, underpinning the exceptional experiences we create for our clients while fostering a healthier planet.

local grown food edinburgh scotland

4. How do Saltire minimise plastic waste?

Plastic waste finds no home in our ethos. Across our operation, we prioritise reusable crockery, elevating the quality of the dining experience while aligning with our sustainability goals. When reusable options are unfeasible, we make a conscious choice to opt for fully recyclable products, aiming to mitigate the long-term impact of single-use plastics. This strategy not only reflects our commitment to sustainability but also encourages responsible consumption within our event experiences. By thoughtfully considering each aspect, we ensure that our events, while exceptional, also uphold our responsibility towards the planet.

no plastic waste catering edinburgh

5. What are 5 eco-friendly foods?

Locally Sourced Vegetables: We prioritise locally sourced vegetables in our dishes, sourced from Mark Murphy and Co. These nutrient-rich gems not only reduce carbon emissions associated with transportation but also support local farmers. By adapting our menus to the seasons, we ensure that the vegetables we use are at their peak freshness, resulting in exceptional flavours and a reduced ecological footprint.

Whole Grains: Whole grains like quinoa, brown rice, and whole wheat are staple components of our menus. These grains are not only nutritious but also require fewer resources to produce compared to refined grains. They feature in various dishes, contributing to both taste and sustainability.

Sustainably Sourced Seafood: Saltire is committed to choosing sustainably sourced seafood options. By adhering to responsible fishing practices, we help maintain aquatic ecosystems. Incorporating these choices into our menus reflects our dedication to preserving marine life while offering delectable seafood options.

Plant-Based Proteins: Plant-based proteins like legumes and lentils are cornerstones of our vegan menu offerings. These protein sources have a lower carbon footprint compared to animal-based proteins, contributing to a more environmentally conscious approach to dining.

Locally Produced Dairy: We embrace locally produced dairy products sourced from Bonaly Dairy, that support nearby Pathhead farms and reduce the ecological impact of transportation. By utilising these products, we not only ensure freshness but also champion responsible sourcing.

At Saltire, our commitment to eco-friendly foods aligns with our dedication to sustainability. By thoughtfully selecting and preparing these ingredients, we create culinary experiences that are both flavourful and responsible. Our adaptation of menus to the seasons is a testament to our belief that using fresh, seasonal produce not only enhances taste but also embodies our mission of reducing our environmental impact. Additionally, our versatility shines through with bespoke menus that allow us to highlight specific ingredients, catering to individual preferences and occasions.

5 eco-friendly foods scotland
5 eco-friendly foods scotland

6. What is the key to a successful green, climate positive catering at an event?

The key to a successful green event is choosing the right caterer – and that's where we come in. Our dedication to excellence is rivalled only by our commitment to sustainability. We take pride in crafting delicious menus matched with a high level of service all whilst respecting our environment. From meticulously sourcing the freshest local ingredients to crafting exquisite dishes in our onsite patisserie, our approach is infused with eco-consciousness. Our employment of electric vans and collaborations with local suppliers further emphasise our determination to minimise our carbon footprint. With us, your event becomes an embodiment of sophistication and responsibility, showcasing that opulence and eco-friendliness can harmoniously coexist. 

Saltire Hospitality stands as a testament to the power of culinary artistry fused with an unyielding commitment to a sustainable future. With every event, we redefine the boundaries of taste, quality, and responsibility, leaving an indelible mark on both the plate and the planet.

successful green event